Friday, May 8, 2009

About Teaching...

Tryn 2teach ppl who doesnt hav the willingness to learn can result into a mountain of frustration and make you feel foolish. So understand that some people can't be taught anything.. its just waste of time.. its not about being hopeless, but abt understanding and acceptance and just leave them alone.. more like you go your way... you have more things that you need to fix for yourself than spending time trying to fix something for somone else. Soem people just can't be fixed. Do not think of helping them, they are not going to listen to you anyway.. invest it in doing soemthing that will help you.That's one school of thought, or else, you do the best you can and do not expect for results just teach and move on.You do your duty, you fulfill your purpose and let it go, do not expect results. That would give you more satisfaction in life than being hopeless about someone.. Every human being has the capacity to learn, if and only if he has the willingness to learn. So its best that one who teaches doesnt expect any results from those who doesnt have that willingness to learn, then atleast you wont feel foolish, yet can feel that you did your part and be content in it. It is not for you to feel disappointed about the other person. Its for the other to feel. So keep going.. teach the best way you can, but keep your hopes

This way one remain, proactive and doesn't remain hopeless about someone or something and do nothing about it. But isn't expecting results, positive results part of optimism. If one isn't optimistic about his efforts, then how can one not be hopeless? Not being hopeless is a state of mind where in one's hopeful or optimistic. Then if one isexpecting positive results, then he is giving chance to that person who doesnt have the willingness to learn to make him feel foolish one day, isn't it? Because i fear if i teach somebody without the hope of expecting him or her to do well and still continue to teach without expectations of that person making any improvements, isn;t that a bit cynical or more like i myself attracting negativity. Probably i shoulnt just expect anything neither good nor bad. when someone says dnt expcet any results, meand not good nor bad ones.. just dnt think about results simly teach and find enjoyment in teaching, wthr soemoen listens to you and make improvements is for the other party to worry about. You worry about how effectively you can teach and you think you are doing the best you can, then that's it.Period!!!

Body Image- our differences makes us unique

We keep hearing celebrities talk about how a negative body image is being created by the media and how even people around us creates un...