Today from news reporting to entertainment; media is spinning a web of negativity. Everyday when you pick up the newspaper or put on a channel you get majority of negative news reporting. People discusses hours and hours on a negative issue. How much time are we spending on reporting reading watching and discussing positive good news? Very very less I understand. Media has only one goal; to increase trp ratings. Those who sit at home and watch news are more interested in negative news than positive. We are helping them to spread negativity. The power is with us. We need to change our attitude. A shift has to happen in our mindset. We need to discuss more positive things than negative. Issues needs to be addressed but the time we are spending on negative news is far more than positive good news. I don't know how many good positive news gets reported daily. Most good news are kept short. The worst is social media. People spread negativity to grab attention. That's all there is to it. If your newspaper or channel reports a negative news more people tend to tune into know about it out of curiosity. Whether positive or negative news creates a curiosity in us and its normal. It creates unnecessary panic and anxiety in people when such negative news are aired and discussed over and over again for days together creating mountains out of mole hills. There is no visible changes in actions and measures taken for the negative outcomes. All social issues gets good media coverage and everything ends in the media discussion room. Those who are trying their level best to bring about change are hitting against a wall everyday. Any sensible suggestion put forward is appreciated in public but when that same suggestion is to be followed in ones personal life. We forget the rules and regulations. Only a change in attitude can bring about any development for our country and that change starts with each one of us. Lets not get hung up on negativity so much. And start spreading positivity. Make it a habit not to forward or create false news. Negativity can only create more of it. We are full of it. We are being thrown negativity from every angle. We are even fed negativity. Let us empower ourselves and stop giving power to those who want to benefit out of negativity.
The meaning of solace is comfort in distres. The blog is all about finding Solace or about things that brings me comfort. Hope you also find some reading them
Friday, April 21, 2017
Monday, April 17, 2017
In the light of many unfortunate incidents happening all around the world where young adults and children are turning criminals i have a few thoughts to share to all parents out there. We have children for whom we are responsible for. Our responsibility is not limited to their physical and intellectual growth but also to their mental well being. We Indians are family oriented. We have a legacy of being family rooted people yet today we are out of focus today. Priorities have shifted to merely providing materialistic things rather than actually helping our kids to become good human beings. Whatever we teach our kids are only superficial knowledge. There is a spirit in all of us let us not break it but build it. I have only one dream for my son ever since he is born that he grow up to be a human being that both mankind and God appreciate and cherish. People ask me what do you want him to be once he grow up. He can choose any career he likes but all i want him to be is a good human being. For that to happen only wishing him well is not enough. I can mould him the way i want. I have the power to guide him to that dream i have for him. For his physical intellectual mental and spiritual growth if i can be a guide for him then only that dream will come true. A child is a huge responsibility therefore. Raising a kid should be an investment which when they become adults the society can reap benefit out of. Imagine every kid out there gets enough attention love and care from their parents the world would certainly be a better place. People talk about making this world a better place. I feel there is no better way than being good parents to children and raising them to be kind loving responsible adults to make this world better. All we need for evil to thrive in this world is for good people to do nothing. Most of the time parents just don't do anything for the mental and spiritual growth of the kids. If you are not your children's guide they will eventually find someone else outside the family and most likely they wont be as good as you or much worse. We are taught to that we should make money and have a career get married and have kids. But we are not taught how to be a good human being. A good human being will be good in all his relationships. We are evolving everyday. So we must keep on learning. There should be no end to learning. There should be no end to our rejuvenation for we should constantly try to make ourselves better as humans. For that to happen one should read. A habit long lost in our culture. A vast majority don't read or only read while in school or college. Our education should take us beyond learning generic information. It should provoke new thoughts in us. Make us want to be proactive in life. I am a 32 Year old stay at home mom since my son is born in 2015. I still read on everything i can get on our physical mental and spiritual well being. We need to learn and even unlearn from time to time. Knowledge of any kind is infinite. Unless we keep ourselves up to date how can we lead a better quality of life. There is no perfect parent or children out there. It is an evolution. We are constantly changing ourselves. We have an opportunity to change ourselves every day every hour that pass by. Let us try and be active partners in our own evolution by reading and applying those things that could change our behaviour our thoughts our actions our attitude our selves thereby a whole family society or even a nation.
Body Image- our differences makes us unique
We keep hearing celebrities talk about how a negative body image is being created by the media and how even people around us creates un...