Aren’t we all, at least most of all a lil too sucked up in our own lives worrying, dreaming even probably fantasizing and working hard thinking just about our own life alone? I am not saying we are all brutally selfish who just think about oneself. But aren’t we as individuals worry only about our family, career, friends etc. There’s a world out there filled with people and problems which are way bigger than ours and our worlds. I wonder how less we do for absolute strangers who probably mean nothing to us or who is no way related us from whom we don’t expect anything in return.
I used to go out of my way to help people, but it was always with a selfish motivation of friendship. For the less fortunate or what you can call as the under privileged people in our world, how less we all do. It is not just money I am talking about. May be spend an hour with them, share your knowledge. Open a new world to them, there so much more we can do other than give away money. I always wanted to get involved in some charity work, but have done very less. Of course in terms of money we all give probably via church or school or through any other means. But in a long time I have not really participated in doing something real for those people. I really enjoy doing something for them. I miss those rare times in my life where some of our batch mates from college went to visit mentally challenged kids in an institution near our college. The kids were not only adorable but also really surprised me by the kind of questions they asked and from their care takers we also learnt that they are capable of doing handcraft works and they sell it at shops. Isn’t it truly amazing to have such experiences in life? We think we have something to offer to these people and they end up enlightening us.
Nobody does anything for anybody for free anymore. People think of cashing in on every opportunity they get. Don’t we miss giving something in free rather than just enjoying only the things we get for free? No shopping festival in the world is actually giving anyone anything for free and we all know it, yet we all go buy unnecessary things we don’t even need just because we like the idea of getting something for free. Imagine if we could really give something for free to someone without any obligation how wonderful we can make the other person feel. Forgive a debt, let go off an ill feeling, give more than what you take from this world.
We will never have enough to give after fulfilling all our desires. So don’t postponed the things you want to give, just keep giving and may be you will get that back. But we shouldn’t be worrying about that. Our job is to do the best we can for others and leave the rest to God. I am not saying serving your parents, or raising your kids or helping your spouse isn’t good enough. Of course charity begins at home. Let us all find more time, money, willingness and love to give for others who really need it.
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