Thursday, December 11, 2008

Life's Best Time!

Drenching in the rain with friends,

Laughing on jokes hour long,

The shoppings, the ice creams, the movies

and the mid-night Birthday bashes we had;

the celebrations that made us work late into the hours of night;

the conversations that extended into the wee hours of morning

Were all good times & the Golden times of my life!

Vacationing in the high ranges with my family

Dancing with my mom

Going on a ride with my dad

Watching my favorite movie on TV with my sis

The new recipes we try on a Sunday afternoon

The loud music we play on holiday in our stereo

Are precious and price-less to me!

The cool breeze blowing on my face

The sweet smell of roses

The sight of fully bloomed flowers of Spring time

The water falls, the rain clouds and the dancing peacock that never stop amazing me

The Sun-rise and sun-sets, the dee blue ocean the skya nd the space beyond

that takes my breathaway are timeless.

All leave a footprint in my memory that became the best time of my life!

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