There is this little sadness inside of me when I woke up today morning
I guessed it is because I miss my best friends may be
I am happy till they are happy even when they are not near me
But when I find them in trouble unhappy I feel like crying
I rest and I smile even when I see them moving away from my life
To be with someone else moving along with time, but I still smile
Coz I see the glow on their face, but when that glow fades
I wish I could be their to bring it back to their faces, but I am so helpless
Coz the people and the things that can bring that back is not in my hands,
But still I would like an attempt and I do it when I can
It’s hard to let go off them and I held them so closely that it started hurting more n more
So gradually I learnt to let go off them and I learnt to find happiness in their happiness
Time might have took them away from me, but I look back at the time we weaved
Together which will stand still frozen in time; I smile cherishing those memories.
When I miss them I long for those days to come back, but sadly time doesn’t go back,
It only run forwards and some where in that time fold all I have is a hope that I will be
Able to catch a glimpse of these lost time with them for a few minutes once in a while
And I pray to God to get me those times back some times as a small gift
Don’t want to let go off the gr8 times and the gr8 people I had come across in life
But as the saying goes, the bad thing about good thing is that they too has to
Come to an end whether we like it or not.
I will pray that all the people I hold close to my heart come under one roof with me
And I would want time to stop and I will be with my loved ones forever
Some day here on earth or if not for sure in the heaven above I have strong faith
That it will be so. I with my loved ones and them with me…
Then no time and distance will bring tears to my eyes and the pain in my chest
Bottled up will break and flow out and all the emptiness within me will get filled up and I
Will be overwhelmed with Joy that my dear Lord brought true happiness for me
He will return the gift of time and the people whom he had given me and
I trust my lord at all times !!!